Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Statement
Early Years Foundation Stage Statement
In the Early Years the children will be exposed to a rich and nourishing learning environment with carefully planned continuous provision that is planned around the current cohort. All members of staff will be knowledgeable and skilled in the Early Years curriculum and feel confident to question and extend the children appropriately. Children will feel safe and secure in their learning environment, and feel a sense of ownership in their learning through play.
• Staff plan topics based on the children’s interests and current phase of learning.
• When making observations, staff recognise and develop the Characteristics of Effective Learning in the children.
• Staff intervene in children’s play, where appropriate, by using open ended questions that have been carefully designed to engage and extend their learning.
• Children become more fluent in their basic maths skills by specifically focusing on numbers concepts with numbers to 10.
• Children use their phonic knowledge to read and write text that is purposeful and of interest to them.
The children’s play will be purposeful and creative; the children will feel confident to combine materials and media in order to achieve their purpose. The children will acquire and practice through play the knowledge and skills set out in the EYFS curriculum and demonstrate in their play the characteristics of effective learning. All children to make better than good progress from their starting points towards the Early Learning Goals.