Online Learning Links
From the links below your child can access the sites that we use as part of our learning at Shelley Primary School.
These will require Usernames and Passwords; please see your child's class teacher or ask at the school office if you have any problems with these.
Times Table Rockstars
A fun way for pupils to learn their times tables online.
Accelerated Reader
Used by pupils in juniors at school, pupils take a short quiz on a suitable book they have read.
Some other sites that you may wish to visit and may find useful are listed below.
BBC Bitesize has activities and resources for all ages and all
For maths/numeracy games, you could or
For adults looking to brush up on rusty numeracy skills, a good site
A range of games and resources are available
If you are aware of any other sites that your children enjoy using, please do let us know.