Shelley Primary School

PE Curriculum Statement


Physical Education Statement


At Shelley, we want our pupils to enjoy being physically active. Our aim is to develop pupil’s control and confidence in their physical skills to enable them to take part in a range of sports and support their health and fitness. We promote physical wellbeing and support our learners in making healthy choices. In line with our school values of aspiration, respect and togetherness, we encourage self-improvement, good sportsmanship and team spirit, and we aim to provide equal opportunities for all learners.


• We follow the Rising Stars “Champions” sport, fitness and health programme to ensure progression of skills across each year group. This is adapted to suit the individual needs of the pupils in each class. Each half term comprises of a set of lessons that build on sporting, gymnastic and dance skills. There is a second set of lessons that develop physical fitness and teach pupils about the importance of keeping fit and healthy. The pupils have two lessons of PE each week to complete this scheme.

• Year 4 pupils also have swimming lessons for a term. These are taught by qualified swimming instructors at Pavilions Leisure Centre. This replaces the fitness lessons for that term in that year group.

• Each class endeavours to have at least 5 minutes of activity every day by using 5-a-day-tv. This is an online resource that has 5-minute exercise routines that can also be linked with language lessons. This is in addition to regular PE lessons

• We provide opportunities for children to take part in competitive and non-competitive physical activity in classes, and intra-school competitions such as sports day.

• We also provide several sports clubs during and after school. We aim to provide alternative active opportunities in addition to more well-known sports.

• There are several opportunities for pupils to represent the school in competitions and festivals where they meet other schools in competitive and non-competitive activities.


• Pupils are physically active contributing to physical well-being

• Pupils are aware of how physical activity is linked to well-being and a healthy lifestyle

• Pupils are equipped with the skills and confidence they need to have a go at a variety of sports and activities

• Pupils have a wide range of experiences of different ways to be physically active to enable them to be able to make choices about what they enjoy