We expect children to adhere to our uniform policy and arrive at school looking smart and part of our school community. All items can be purchased from Taylor made Uniforms (below). It is not mandatory for children to wear uniform with the school logo and you can choose to purchase uniform as you wish. If your child is eligible for Pupil Premium funding please contact the School Office as this will entitle you to one free set of uniform per year.
Our uniform:
- White polo shirt
- Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
- Grey or black skirt, dress or trousers
- White, grey, black or blue tights or socks
- A blue and white check dress or grey black shorts may be worn in summer
- Smart black or navy shoes (not trainers)
- Long hair must be tied back (hair accessories such as slides, ribbons, bobbles etc, should be fairly simple and if possible in school colours)
- Book bag (Reception, Year 1, Year 2)
- Small plain rucksack (KS2) (Shelley logo rucksack available from Taylor Made Uniforms)
PE Kit suitable for indoor and outdoor use:
- A simple drawstring bag
- White or pale blue T-shirt
- Black or navy hoodie or jumper (not school)
- Black or navy shorts
- Black or navy tracksuit bottoms
- White socks
- A pair of trainers
- Football boots (optional, recommended for children in Year 5 and 6)
Please ensure all items are labelled clearly with your child's name.
Make up and nail varnish may not be worn to school.
Our school uniform supplier is Taylor Made Uniforms and can all be ordered online. Please see below for a link for the website:
Second hand uniform may be bought from FOSS in their nearly new sales, or online at https://www.foss-pta.co.uk/store/