Who We Are
Friends of Shelley School (FOSS) is the school's PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
We are a registered charity who organise a variety of events for the children and/or parents to enjoy and in doing so raise valuable funds for the school. All funds raised go directly back to the school and its pupils. FOSS is run by a friendly group of parents on a voluntary basis and assisted by additional volunteers, perhaps family members, staff or pupils, at bigger events.
The committee meets once a month to discuss ideas for new fundraising and to plan diarised events.
Annual events held are:
Sponsored walk with refreshments
Christmas Bazaar
Summer fete
Sponsored read
There are also other events during the year such as:
School discos
Film nights
A Christmas visit from Santa
Year 6 leaving outing and gift
Summer ice-cream sales
Over the years the money raised has gone on to finance items for the school, for example:
New interactive whiteboards in all classrooms
Replacement of sports equipment
New books
Leadership and achievement badges
If you would like to join any committee discussions, help at any events or if you have any new ideas please email the team at fosspta17@gmail.com or contact the school reception.
Please visit our website here: https://www.foss-pta.co.uk for further information.